Recent publications:
A full list can be found here.
- Komuczki, D., Hesse, N., Schmidt, J., & Satzer, P. (2023). A step closer to continuous buffer preparation from solids: Predicting powder compaction and how to prevent it. New Biotechnology, 76, 98-105.
- Hesse, N., Jaksch, A., Kaschta, J., Groh, D., Drummer, D., Peukert, W., & Schmidt, J. (2023). From trash to treasure in additive manufacturing: Recycling of polymer powders by acid catalyzed hydrolysis. Additive Manufacturing, 71.
- Canziani, H., Hanschmann, B., Tischer, F., Sommereyns, A., Distler, T., Schramm, J.,... Vogel, N. (2022). Biodegradable Polylactide Supraparticle Powders with Functional Additives for Biomedical Additive Manufacturing. Advanced Functional Materials, 2205730.
- Peters, G., Wendler, O., Böhringer, D., Gostian, A.O., Müller, S., Canziani, H.,... Döllinger, M. (2021). Human laryngeal mucus from the vocal folds: Rheological characterization by particle tracking microrheology and oscillatory shear rheology. Applied Sciences, 11(7).
- Hesse, N., Winzer, B., Peukert, W., & Schmidt, J. (2021). Towards a generally applicable methodology for the characterization of particle properties relevant to processing in powder bed fusion of polymers – from single particle to bulk solid behavior. Additive Manufacturing, 101957.