Modification and Functionalization of Powders in Gas Phase (SFB 814 Project A2)
The main task of this project is the functionalization of powder materials for additive manufacturing processes using gas phase processes in order to provide tailored process and component properties. The individual sub processes – physical and chemical routes – were successfully investigated within the first funding period. One further aim is to establish processes which are possible to scale-up. Moreover, an integration of single process steps to result in industrial-scale functionalization methods with few junctions is favored. The rounding process of chiseled polymer particles will be expanded by an integrated surface functionalization with nanoparticles and plasma functionalization. The chemical process route utilizes plasma enhanced reactions for a functionalization at moderate temperatures. By an in situ synthesis of nanoparticles, custom-made multi material systems with a high purity can be produced.
For more details see the SFB 814 website.