
Der Lehrstuhl für Feststoff- und Grenzflächenverfahrenstechnik trauert um seinen Gründer und ehemaligen Ordinarius, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Otto Molerus, der am 24. Juli 2022 im Alter von 88 Jahren verstarb. To English version Otto Molerus studierte Maschinenbau an der Technischen Hochschule Karlsruhe....

Category: Allgemein

FAU-Forschende entwickeln Methode, die die gleichmäßige Trocknung partikel-haltigen Flüssigkeiten begünstigt Was haben Kaffee, Rotwein und Tinte gemein? Die Flecken, die sie hinterlassen. Wer schon mal eine Tasse Kaffee umgestoßen hat weiß, dass Kaffee in einem außergewöhnlichen Muster trocknet: De...

Category: Allgemein

The successful end of the joined project BayBionik with the Bavarian State Ministry of the Environment and Consumer Protection was celebrated at a final event at the Bionicum in the Tiergarten Nürnberg. The group of Prof. Nicolas Vogel presented their work on self-cleaning and sustainable surface co...

Category: Allgemein

In November 2021, Prof. Nicolas Vogel of the Institute of Particle Technology was awarded the “Lehrpreis der technischen Fakultät” (Teaching award of the Faculty of Engineering). According to the selection committee, the awards reflects the excellent student evaluations of the courses given by Prof....

Category: Allgemein

The performance of TiO2 thin films as an electron transport layer (ETL) in perovskite solar cells depends on the composition, phase, and defects of the TiO2 layer. In the recently published paper in Nano Select (Wiley), Saman Hosseinpour (LFG) together with colleagues from i-MEET, HI ERN, and WW4-LK...

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On Thursday (30.09.2021) Eric Görlitzer completed his PhD on “Chiral Plasmonic Nanostructures via Colloidal Templating - Chirale Plasmonische Nanostrukturen durch Kolloidale Oberflächenstrukturierung”,  becoming the fourth PhD graduate from the Vogel Lab. We wish him success in his future endeavor. ...

Category: Allgemein

On Monday (27.09.2021) Junwei completed his PhD on “Colloidal Clusters in Spherical Confinement”. Junwei was enrolled in the Elite Master’s Programme, Advanced Materials and Processes (MAP), from 2013 to 2013 and performed his PhD research under the supervision of Prof. Vogel (main supervisor) and P...

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